Gospel-Focused Empowerment
to the Ones Who Need it Most.

We are a local charity, based in Bukasa Buloba, Uganda, working with children and families from desperate backgrounds, providing them access to education, healthcare, and gospel- centered empowerment. We focus our work in areas that are affected by cyclical and generational poverty, bringing the Gospel and tangible support to those who have pushed aside due to different life circumstance.
By stepping in and supplying tangible support to families, we free up the caregivers to focus on income generation while we stand in economic gap for the children. As caregivers stand on their own feet, we are able to support the next vulnerable family and the poverty-breaking cycle continues.
Every child deserves a place to call home, food to eat, and the ability to go to school- we are called to offer this help, while offering the eternity-changing, Hope of Christ.​
Education Support
Family Empowerment
Healthcare Access
+256-752-454-048 | info@growuganda.org
P.O. Box 10540 Kampala, Uganda, East Africa